Chapter 1

A girl sitting in the middle of dusty and a dark room not knowing anything about her surroundings. She can’t see anything because of the darkness and her body is itching badly because of the dust reaction on her body.

The only thing she can feel is the chains around her wrist and her ankles, no matter how much hard she tried to remove these chains from her skin, but she was unsuccessful every time.

And because of all this hustles she is doing, they are only leaving scar on her soft skin. She opened her tried eyes when she heard the door getting open.

There was a Maid coming with a tray in her hand, the only source source of light through which she can see that much worse when she opened the door and the light reflected in the dark room.

“Master, has ordered you to eat the food” the Maid speak while placing the tray on the dusty ground.

This reaction, you just got angry and throw the tray with all the force and power your body had left. “You shouldn’t have done this he will get angry over this”.

“Tell your master that I will not eat anything given by him. it’s better to die in starvation instead of eating his food” you said in a row and tired voice.

“I will convey your message to him” after saying that she turned around and leave the room, leaving the room again in the darkness. You slowly close your eyes and let the tears escape from your eyes.

You touch the locket, which is hanging on your neck and said to yourself “I am missing you, Mom. Why did you left me alone? Why don’t you take me along with you? This is too much for me. I can’t handle this….I can’t handle this.”

You slowly opened your eyes, and so there was a light in the room, which was dark earlier. You didn’t realise when you fell asleep. You look in front of you and find the person who hate the most, but still can’t do anything to get away from him. If you try to run away from him, you will end up in this situation.

He is so powerful and get anyone go on his knees with his one glance only after all, he is a most powerful mafia of the country,


He come towards you and grab your neck tightly in his grip and said with a smirk

“Finally, the day has come the day when you will be mine officially.”

“I will not marry you” he is a simply chuckle at your response and said

“You can’t do anything against me. You are not even able to run 1 km away from my territory. Now what you will do when I will be with you, always and forever. You are born for me, to be with me and I will never let you go, no matter what happens. it’s been two days since you are here, but still, you are such a brat. Didn’t your parents teach you something? Oh, I forget you didn’t had your father and your mother died. And if you don’t want the same faith for our child, then behave nicely. Or else, I will kill you with my own hands.”

You were trying your hard to control the tears, which are forming in your eyes and trying to find a way to escape. You got nothing left to say, and you know you can never win him.

“I hate you so much”

“you have said that multiple times and now this feels like a different kind of pleasure for me. You have no idea. Idea what you have done to me, so tomorrow is our marriage. That’s forget everything and get a new start.”

“Forget everything? This is so easy for you to say because you didn’t went through which I did. And I can never forget the way you treated me… never….”

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